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By James Grandstaff

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What Is The Most Effective Online Advertising?

Kenneth Koh stated that "The most effective online advertising is not about the advertising tool or media that you use, but how you use them."


This is so true! Sure, you can learn how to use social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and a load of others out there, but if you don't know "how" to advertise and "to whom" to advertise, you may be wasting your time.

Let's say for instance that you are in a Health and Wellness business and you are using Facebook to meet new "prospects" for joining you in your business. How often to you click on links to actually join someone's business that lives 5 states over from yours. Not likely, huh? But think about all those people on Facebook selling eBooks and courses on how to use social networking to build your fortune. How often do you think people click on those links? I would venture to say a lot of people do!

I invite you to read the original post here and make sure you leave some comments, I'd love to hear what you think!

How To Use Google Pay-Per-Click in Network Marketing

I just wanted to enter a quick post to let you know
about something very special that my friend Mike Dillard
is releasing next week, Monday January 19th.

You see, Mike gets asked at almost every event he attends
what his favorite source of traffic is to generate thousands
of leads every month.

And his answer has always been... Pay Per Click (PPC)

There is no better way to get targeted traffic. But if
you don't know a few key tips, you are going to get burned

Mike and his team use pay per click to generate as many as
150 leads per day at zero cost or even at a profit.

Sure, there are plenty of courses out there on the subject,
but never before has there been one directed at Network
Marketers and how to advertise your business in such step
by step fashion.

This course is going to change the way many people use pay
per click and even if you are a complete newbie Mike shows
you how to get up and running generating leads quickly.

In fact, recently Mike was asked the inevitable question
by a couple successful networkers, who up until learning
the skills taught in this course, were building their
business the old school way.

Here's what happen to them...

Without prior PPC experience, these two have been able to
generate 90+ leads everyday using PPC at zero cost.

Mike recently did a skype video conference with these two
and discussed how they were getting such amazing results.

This conference was recorded and is available for you free
by going to the web page below:

You will also get a video conference recording of Mike
interviewing his PPC secret weapon Jim Yaghi.

I encourage you to go get these videos now and watch your
inbox next week for the release of what Mike likes to call
PPC Domination.

If you would like to be notified when the full PPC Domination
course is available, click here.

Discover The Shocking Truth About How To Make Money Using the Internet