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Article Marketing Success Tips

Article marketing is a website strategy designed to get free targeted traffic to your website. Simply writing and submitting your original articles related to your niche to the article directories can increase traffic to your site. Nich? Yes, like vitamins, joint pain relief, anti-aging skin care, natural cosmetics, household cleaning items, travel, dogs, cats, dating... whatever your niche happens to be.

Webmasters and ezine publishers will then download these articles and are allowed to use them freely as long as they keep your resource bio information at the bottom of the article as-is including live links. A well written article that uses the proper keywords that are often searched for can attract a lot of free website traffic to your site.

Getting more website traffic from click-throughs and free searches, article marketing can also help to lift your website's page rank because it provides relevant one-way back links to your site which is a factor search engines use to calculate how popular site is.

To see success with your article, it needs to be well written, easy to read and focused on the area of interest you wish to promote. For example, if you write an article on a topic that is unrelated to your business, you may get curious visitors but they will not be targeted. An example could be if you write an article about weight loss, and your article points to a site about costmetics... well, that's not really that targeted, is it? On the other hand if your article is related to your business in some way, readers who click on your link are probably looking for more information. As a result, they are much more likely to be interested in the products or services you are offering.

For article marketing success, the first step is to choose an attention getting title that includes your keyword. People looking for your keywords are far more likely to find your article if the keyword they are looking for is in your title. The title of your article needs to appeal to a person who wants to read the article itself.

Article content is the most important aspect of article marketing. The content needs to be relevant, informative and useful. It also needs to keep the reader's attention. The whole purpose of the article is to hold the reader's attention for the entire article and impress them enough that they will want to click on your link in the resource box.

The article should also be written with Internet marketing SEO (search engine optimization) in mind. Keywords and terms with a similar meaning should be dotted throughout the article. Use your keyword in the first one hundred words of the article, in the last one hundred words and a few times in the body of the article. Keyword density should be kept in the 1-2% range if possible. Don't do what is referred to as 'keyword spamming', because your article won't get published (and it makes it much harder for the reader to get through it).

You also need to peak the interest of the reader so that they are motivated to click on your link in the resource box. A great way to increase the amount of clicks to your website is to divide your article into two parts. Submit the first section to the article directories of your choice and keep part 2 on your own website. On your own site you can insert hyperlinks in the article which can take the reader to other
information on the site. So, when the reader is wanting to read the rest of the article, a click happens and viola... they are on your site. They'll finish reading the article and may even stay a while and make a purchase or contact you for more information about what you have to offer.

Over the long term, to be successful in article marketing, you need to submit your original, interesting articles frequently to high traffic articles directories such as Top Rank articles. If you are consistent and conscientious and follow the tips in this article, you will find that article marketing is a highly effective strategy for website promotion. You cannot expect to write one article and sit back and see it all over the web. You must write multiple articles, even if it's about the same product or service. If your company has multiple product lines, you have a lot of articles you can write to drive traffic to your site. Just make sure that the article resource box points the reader to a site specifically set up for that niche product. Don't send them to a website for anti-aging products when they are looking for hormone balancing creams.

Handling the Pyramid Objection

So many people are afraid of Network Marketing because they just don't understand it. They've been trained by society to think that it's bad or a scam. If you explain to them that all companies are pyramids, they might just "get it". Every corporation is a pyramid in one way or another. The company President makes more than the Vice-President, who makes more than the Manager, who makes more than the Supervisor, who makes more than the work force. Why? Because as you move up the corporate ladder, you have to bring certain things to the table. You have to know what you are doing. You have to be able to get the job done. You have to be able to train those that work for you. And so on. Try explaining the pyramid objections with the steps below and see what happens.

Step 1:
When a pyramid objection comes up, ask your prospect to think about a typical business where there is a sales rep and a sales manager. Like car sales, or insurance sales. Draw a picture showing only one sales manager (make him the color blue) with sales reps working for him. Make sure you make the statement, “The manager is only valuable to the sales reps if they have experience selling what they’re asking the sales reps to sell.” Then ask, “Does this make sense to you?” Or “Do you agree with this?” It’s very important to get them involved in this discussion.

Step 2:
Once they are involved with the discussion, I normally probe a little with “Does the sales manager normally make a little more money than the sales reps?” Which most people will answer “yes”. I then ask, “Is what I’ve just drawn a pyramid because sales reps work under a sales manager? Is it a pyramid because the sales manager makes a commission off what the sales reps sell?” This is where the discussion normally opens up. Try to keep them on just answering what has been discussed up to this point. Meaning, if they try to take it further and ask or say something else, reply with, “We’ll get to that…right now just tell me if this is a pyramid.” After that is settled, then move on.

Step 3:
Ask them, “What happens when there are more sales reps than the manager can handle?” What you’re leading them to answer is, “The company needs to hire another sales manager.” Then you can say, “Good! Where can the company get this new sales manager from?” You are trying to guide the prospect to see that either the company can hire a new person from Monster(dot)com (or wherever) or they can take one of the existing sales reps and make them a manager.

Guide them towards seeing that the better way would be to take an existing sales rep and make them a manager because they are already knowledgeable on how to sell that product. If they were to hire a new person they would have to educate that person on the products and the way the company operates. But, that new person wouldn’t have the respect of the sales force because “He’s never done it!”

But if they take an existing sales rep and make him a manager - he would know the product, know the way the business and company operates and would have the respect of the sales reps. But regardless of which place the company chooses to get this new manager, you’ve now added a new manager. Now draw another manager (beside and to the right of the first manager -- the blue guy in Step 1) with sales reps below him.

Step 4:
Then ask, “This is the way that most companies grow their sales force. Does this make sense?” Get their agreement. Then label the top of the picture “Multi-Width-Marketing.” Then say, “Multi means more than one. Width means that it grows laterally and marketing means that they are all marketing the product. Make sense? Any questions on this?”

Once all of this is settled in their mind - then move forward. DO NOT MOVE FORWARD UNTIL THEY UNDERSTAND UP TO THIS POINT. There can not be any confusion AT ALL.

Step 5:
Then say, “Let’s just take the same picture and draw it a little differently”. Circle the man in blue and his sales reps and say, “I’m going to draw this sales manager again.” Draw it on your paper. Then say, “Instead of hiring a new manager from Monster(dot)com we’re going to take a person who already knows the product, the company and the business and make them our new sales manager. Since it will be one of these sales reps, I’m just going to keep the drawing the same by drawing a new sales rep under them.”

You don’t need to draw 3 levels to make the point. So just draw two levels to begin with. Then, label level 1 and level 2. Then write at the top “Multi-level Marketing and say, “Multi meaning more than one, level meaning growing vertically and marketing meaning that everyone is marketing the product." This should give you the basics of how to handle this objection once and for all.

Remember, the sales rep should make a bigger commission than the sales manager on each individual sale. Explain this to your prospect. Maybe your company pays a 35% commission on all sales made by the sales rep... which lets your prospect know that they are making a pretty good commission on every sale.... but the manager would make only 4% of that, or maybe just 4% of the difference between the retail price and the 35%. This lets your prospect see that even though someone else is making money from the efforts of their sales, they will see that this amount is very small compared to what they are making. Good "managers" should be holding training calls and role playing sessions, crafting presentations for their downlines to send their prospects to, and holding meetings to announce company news and product offerings. They should also be actively trying to sell the products or services that their organization provides.

For A Secure Future - Make Money On the Internet

by Paul Jese

The internet has opened up a host of new opportunities, so it is not surprising that increasing numbers of people are looking for ways to make money on the internet. There are significant advantages to working from home in an online business including increased flexibility allowing a more balanced lifestyle and having a portable business that can be operated from anywhere in the world.

Without products or services to sell, you don't have a business whether online or offline. Therefore, as with any business venture, you need to be able to offer products or services for which there is a demand in order to make money on the internet. Could you provide a viable online service selling any of your skills? If not, do you have products you can sell online or do you know how to source them?

Given how many "make money on the internet" opportunities are advertised online, it can be surprisingly difficult to find genuine home business opportunities. Most new internet based businesses fail because of a lack of careful preparation, including initial research, planning and evaluation. You can get up and running quicker in an online business selling online services than if you have to create or source marketable products.

However, you need more than marketable skills or products to make money on the internet, you also need a professional web presence including website and blogs, that you can make work for you. These days having a professional looking website is affordable even for very low budget operations. You can use an online website creation program or outsource.

You can use a website creation program or pay someone to create and upload a website for you. Make sure you choose a business and domain name that says what you do and is easy for people to remember. Also ensure that your website is not too busy, has all the information visitors need and is easy to navigate. It should be very easy for people to pay you!

However, if people don't visit your website then you can't communicate with them and market your products or services. Without website traffic your business will fail and you will not be able to make money on the internet. It is important to create your web and blog pages with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. This will allow them to be easily indexed with the search engines so that they can appear in search results.

Update your content regularly to keep the search engines interested and actively market your website using free strategies like article marketing and paid strategies like pay-per-click. Consistency and quality are very important if you want to get visitors to your website.

You will need to gain new knowledge and skills about internet marketing in order to make money on the internet. However, if you are willing to do this you can join the ranks of people who are successfully running an online business.

Article kindly provided by Grow My MLM Today

Paul Jesse is an author and webmaster providing free and low cost opportunities to work from home online. Paul would like to invite you to visit his website at Get your own completely unique content version of this article.

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