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Offline Automated Follow-Up Systems

As home business owners / network marketers, we all know that the fortune is in the follow-up. We spend days getting our autoresponder sequences set up right, we spend hours tweaking copy and doing everything we can because we know that most of our money is made when we follow up with our customers.

Yet for some reason, when it comes to offline promotion, even those guys who are doing it, usually stop after 1 letter, or 1 phone call.

You may be asking ‘What’s an Auto-Responder?’. Here's a great link, that even lets you test drive it free!

Basically, you set up your messages to be sent to your prospects over a period of time. This system will even let you set up a data capture window that you can paste into your website so that when people want more information, they enter their name / email / phone number / address (whatever you want to capture) and your email autoresponder takes care of sending emails out to each person for you.

I think the biggest reason that most people don't followup offline is that it’s very hard to automate things offline. I did start using one system that is very powerful to automate our offline marketing. I’ll tell you their name in a minute, but let me explain how it works first.

What happens, is that after someone becomes a buyer, I sign into a special website. I then add the buyer’s contact information into our database. That system then sends them a postcard immediately thanking them for their order, and giving them information about how to reach me (customer support). I do this for my own network marketing company, a skin care and nutrition product. Yes, in this case, ‘customer support’ is really just me and my husband.

Then a few days later, it sends another card telling them about the ways I would compensate them for referrals [now I have them advertising for me], then about 2 weeks later I may send another one up selling another product that compliments what they purchased the first time (like, a sea salt scrub if they ordered a body lotion or an adult vitamin product if they ordered a teen vitamin). Then, each month, I’ll send them a card letting them know what monthly specials I have for that specific month. I also know about how long the product they purchased will last, so I’ll automatically send them a reminder about it being time to reorder. In each card, I’ll give them my direct phone number, my hours of operation and my website address so they can order online anytime in the comfort of their own home… at 2:30 in the morning if they want!

It works just like an email autoresponder, but with postcards and greeting cards. You are able to upload your own picture, add your own signatures, personalize the cards with your buyers name, AND even have the cards written in your OWN handwriting.

It’s a VERY powerful system that I started using for my skin care business in December of 2006. Since I began implementing this system, I've received more referrals and more repeat customers for my skin care and nutrition products. It's even great for direct mail because I can import the list of prospects that I buy from a lead company and send all of those prospects the same postcards and cards! I just set up a campaign and click a few buttons and I never have to worry about it again. I can send thousands of cards and postcards all at one time! And, they print the card for me, put in in an envelope, print the envelope, put a stamp on it and take it to the mailbox! I never have to lick an envelope or deal with those sticky stamps!

Here are just a few of the things I've seen since using it:

• Increase in customer referrals
• More backend sales
• Reduced refund rates
• Higher levels of customer satisfaction
• Money saved on direct mail
• And much more...

It costs about $1.00 to send out each card. The company’s name is Send Out Cards and I actually set up a page for you on the company’s website where you can send out a card and I’ll cover the costs for you (just so you can see how powerful the system is). You can choose from over 7,000 cards and postcards. It's quite amazing, and sure beats going to the drug store or WalMart to look for cards. I don't have time for that. Do you?

Just visit: and click on the button “Send A Free Card Now.”

They key here again is to try to automate your offline marketing to make it more like internet marketing by using automated follow up systems.

Hope this post helps!

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