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By James Grandstaff

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Follow the Leader

There are several interesting phenomena's in Network Marketing or business in general that I haven't quite figured out why they happen.

One being that distributors will start seeing success-- and then they will change what they are doing for no reason and they can't figure out why they aren't being successful anymore or that their business slows down.

Another one is they will see others succeed -- and instead of doing what successful distributors are doing they will try to reinvent the wheel.

Another is they will try everything they can to stay within their comfort zone and hope it is enough to create success.

If I was starting brand spanking new in a network marketing company today, there are a few things I would do to assure instant success and sustain that success over time a long period of time.
The first thing I would do is get my head around the fact that success has nothing to do with comfort. Life begins... at the end of your comfort zone! We rarely see success, if ever, without getting out of our comfort zone. You have to stretch a little, and sometimes a lot, to make things happen!

The second thing I would do is find the top 25 money earners in the company or the people in my area, who are being successful, find out what they are doing, look for the common threads and clone those activities that are getting the results I want. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Every MLM, Sales, Success book or CD worth its price will tell you to look for the people who are making it happen and do what they do. Wait... what do you do if you actually find those successful marketers and then they don't want to tell you what they do to make it work? Keep reading.

If you are lucky enough, you'll find the right mentors and leaders to literally walk you through the process of how to make it all happen. Talk to your upline. Wait... you've already done that, huh? You've been to the conference calls. You've gone to the conventions. You've done 3-way calls with your upline. We've all been told that this business is a numbers game. But, those 'numbers' don't have to be the lady standing next to you in the grocery store or your dental hygenist.

When I was a little girl, we use to play the game "Follow the Leader". We would pick someone to lead us and we would do exactly what the title of game suggests. Everywhere the leader led us we would go. If the leader wasn't a very good leader, we would be led to do some pretty stupid stuff. Maybe we made it home in time for dinner, and maybe not.

The great thing about the Dream Team is that we have some pretty amazing leaders. I suggest you "Follow the leader(s)" and don't reinvent the wheel. Thousands have joined our training programs and seen great success. Who will you follow? Have you found your leader?

Lana Robinson
Home Business Repair Consultant

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