Article Marketing Success Tips
Webmasters and ezine publishers will then download these articles and are allowed to use them freely as long as they keep your resource bio information at the bottom of the article as-is including live links. A well written article that uses the proper keywords that are often searched for can attract a lot of free website traffic to your site.
Getting more website traffic from click-throughs and free searches, article marketing can also help to lift your website's page rank because it provides relevant one-way back links to your site which is a factor search engines use to calculate how popular site is.
To see success with your article, it needs to be well written, easy to read and focused on the area of interest you wish to promote. For example, if you write an article on a topic that is unrelated to your business, you may get curious visitors but they will not be targeted. An example could be if you write an article about weight loss, and your article points to a site about costmetics... well, that's not really that targeted, is it? On the other hand if your article is related to your business in some way, readers who click on your link are probably looking for more information. As a result, they are much more likely to be interested in the products or services you are offering.
For article marketing success, the first step is to choose an attention getting title that includes your keyword. People looking for your keywords are far more likely to find your article if the keyword they are looking for is in your title. The title of your article needs to appeal to a person who wants to read the article itself.
Article content is the most important aspect of article marketing. The content needs to be relevant, informative and useful. It also needs to keep the reader's attention. The whole purpose of the article is to hold the reader's attention for the entire article and impress them enough that they will want to click on your link in the resource box.
The article should also be written with Internet marketing SEO (search engine optimization) in mind. Keywords and terms with a similar meaning should be dotted throughout the article. Use your keyword in the first one hundred words of the article, in the last one hundred words and a few times in the body of the article. Keyword density should be kept in the 1-2% range if possible. Don't do what is referred to as 'keyword spamming', because your article won't get published (and it makes it much harder for the reader to get through it).
You also need to peak the interest of the reader so that they are motivated to click on your link in the resource box. A great way to increase the amount of clicks to your website is to divide your article into two parts. Submit the first section to the article directories of your choice and keep part 2 on your own website. On your own site you can insert hyperlinks in the article which can take the reader to other
information on the site. So, when the reader is wanting to read the rest of the article, a click happens and viola... they are on your site. They'll finish reading the article and may even stay a while and make a purchase or contact you for more information about what you have to offer.
Over the long term, to be successful in article marketing, you need to submit your original, interesting articles frequently to high traffic articles directories such as Top Rank articles. If you are consistent and conscientious and follow the tips in this article, you will find that article marketing is a highly effective strategy for website promotion. You cannot expect to write one article and sit back and see it all over the web. You must write multiple articles, even if it's about the same product or service. If your company has multiple product lines, you have a lot of articles you can write to drive traffic to your site. Just make sure that the article resource box points the reader to a site specifically set up for that niche product. Don't send them to a website for anti-aging products when they are looking for hormone balancing creams.
Handling the Pyramid Objection
Step 1:
When a pyramid objection comes up, ask your prospect to think about a typical business where there is a sales rep and a sales manager. Like car sales, or insurance sales. Draw a picture showing only one sales manager (make him the color blue) with sales reps working for him. Make sure you make the statement, “The manager is only valuable to the sales reps if they have experience selling what they’re asking the sales reps to sell.” Then ask, “Does this make sense to you?” Or “Do you agree with this?” It’s very important to get them involved in this discussion.
Step 2:
Once they are involved with the discussion, I normally probe a little with “Does the sales manager normally make a little more money than the sales reps?” Which most people will answer “yes”. I then ask, “Is what I’ve just drawn a pyramid because sales reps work under a sales manager? Is it a pyramid because the sales manager makes a commission off what the sales reps sell?” This is where the discussion normally opens up. Try to keep them on just answering what has been discussed up to this point. Meaning, if they try to take it further and ask or say something else, reply with, “We’ll get to that…right now just tell me if this is a pyramid.” After that is settled, then move on.
Step 3:
Ask them, “What happens when there are more sales reps than the manager can handle?” What you’re leading them to answer is, “The company needs to hire another sales manager.” Then you can say, “Good! Where can the company get this new sales manager from?” You are trying to guide the prospect to see that either the company can hire a new person from Monster(dot)com (or wherever) or they can take one of the existing sales reps and make them a manager.
Guide them towards seeing that the better way would be to take an existing sales rep and make them a manager because they are already knowledgeable on how to sell that product. If they were to hire a new person they would have to educate that person on the products and the way the company operates. But, that new person wouldn’t have the respect of the sales force because “He’s never done it!”
But if they take an existing sales rep and make him a manager - he would know the product, know the way the business and company operates and would have the respect of the sales reps. But regardless of which place the company chooses to get this new manager, you’ve now added a new manager. Now draw another manager (beside and to the right of the first manager -- the blue guy in Step 1) with sales reps below him.
Step 4:
Then ask, “This is the way that most companies grow their sales force. Does this make sense?” Get their agreement. Then label the top of the picture “Multi-Width-Marketing.” Then say, “Multi means more than one. Width means that it grows laterally and marketing means that they are all marketing the product. Make sense? Any questions on this?”
Once all of this is settled in their mind - then move forward. DO NOT MOVE FORWARD UNTIL THEY UNDERSTAND UP TO THIS POINT. There can not be any confusion AT ALL.
Step 5:
Then say, “Let’s just take the same picture and draw it a little differently”. Circle the man in blue and his sales reps and say, “I’m going to draw this sales manager again.” Draw it on your paper. Then say, “Instead of hiring a new manager from Monster(dot)com we’re going to take a person who already knows the product, the company and the business and make them our new sales manager. Since it will be one of these sales reps, I’m just going to keep the drawing the same by drawing a new sales rep under them.”
You don’t need to draw 3 levels to make the point. So just draw two levels to begin with. Then, label level 1 and level 2. Then write at the top “Multi-level Marketing and say, “Multi meaning more than one, level meaning growing vertically and marketing meaning that everyone is marketing the product." This should give you the basics of how to handle this objection once and for all.
Remember, the sales rep should make a bigger commission than the sales manager on each individual sale. Explain this to your prospect. Maybe your company pays a 35% commission on all sales made by the sales rep... which lets your prospect know that they are making a pretty good commission on every sale.... but the manager would make only 4% of that, or maybe just 4% of the difference between the retail price and the 35%. This lets your prospect see that even though someone else is making money from the efforts of their sales, they will see that this amount is very small compared to what they are making. Good "managers" should be holding training calls and role playing sessions, crafting presentations for their downlines to send their prospects to, and holding meetings to announce company news and product offerings. They should also be actively trying to sell the products or services that their organization provides.
For A Secure Future - Make Money On the Internet
The internet has opened up a host of new opportunities, so it is not surprising that increasing numbers of people are looking for ways to make money on the internet. There are significant advantages to working from home in an online business including increased flexibility allowing a more balanced lifestyle and having a portable business that can be operated from anywhere in the world.
Without products or services to sell, you don't have a business whether online or offline. Therefore, as with any business venture, you need to be able to offer products or services for which there is a demand in order to make money on the internet. Could you provide a viable online service selling any of your skills? If not, do you have products you can sell online or do you know how to source them?
Given how many "make money on the internet" opportunities are advertised online, it can be surprisingly difficult to find genuine home business opportunities. Most new internet based businesses fail because of a lack of careful preparation, including initial research, planning and evaluation. You can get up and running quicker in an online business selling online services than if you have to create or source marketable products.
However, you need more than marketable skills or products to make money on the internet, you also need a professional web presence including website and blogs, that you can make work for you. These days having a professional looking website is affordable even for very low budget operations. You can use an online website creation program or outsource.
You can use a website creation program or pay someone to create and upload a website for you. Make sure you choose a business and domain name that says what you do and is easy for people to remember. Also ensure that your website is not too busy, has all the information visitors need and is easy to navigate. It should be very easy for people to pay you!
However, if people don't visit your website then you can't communicate with them and market your products or services. Without website traffic your business will fail and you will not be able to make money on the internet. It is important to create your web and blog pages with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. This will allow them to be easily indexed with the search engines so that they can appear in search results.
Update your content regularly to keep the search engines interested and actively market your website using free strategies like article marketing and paid strategies like pay-per-click. Consistency and quality are very important if you want to get visitors to your website.
You will need to gain new knowledge and skills about internet marketing in order to make money on the internet. However, if you are willing to do this you can join the ranks of people who are successfully running an online business.
Article kindly provided by Grow My MLM Today
Paul Jesse is an author and webmaster providing free and low cost opportunities to work from home online. Paul would like to invite you to visit his website at sheamarketing.com Get your own completely unique content version of this article.
The "Must Have" Skill
other's lives, change OUR lives, and make some money. 2008 is going to be your best year ever if I have anything to do with it.
If you want to triple your income this year and finally take
control of your financial destiny, then I highly recommend you do
everything I say.
Successful entrepreneurs are eager students. I know I am, and as of
today, the new school semester is officially in session.
Let's go ahead and assume we're getting a fresh start for the new
Back to day one as an entrepreneur...
What's going to serve as your foundation?
What do you need to know more than anything else that will affect
every aspect of your business from this day forward?
What's the one skill that will have more of an impact on your
income and the number of distributors your sponsor... the one skill
that will give you complete power over the fate of your entire
business... the one skill that you simply cannot move forward in any
fashion without?
Well it's not your phone skills, it's not Google Adwords, it's not
SEO, and it's not YouTube...
It's the un-sexy, un-assuming, 11-letter word that spells
Here's why copywriting has such an impact...
This business is all about leverage... By the very definition of
"M.L.M", our compensation plans are structured to pay a small
percentage of production, on a large number of people. We get to
leverage the actions and results of many.
Well in order to build an organization of many, you have to be able
to leverage yourself as the builder of the business.
Brad Pitt makes as much money as he does because he has millions of
TV commercials, (marketing machines), selling his movies for him.
Successful networkers do the same thing. They aren't handing out
fliers one-at-time to strangers, or holding meetings with 10 people
in a room. They have 1000's of pay-per-click ads promoting their
opportunity for them to 1000's of people around the world 24/7.
They have auto responder messages that build relationships, and
sell their products for them, automatically whether they're at work
or on the beach.
Sales letters never complain. They never call in sick. They never
quit, and they always give a PERFECT presentation.
Could you imagine if Brad Pitt had to call people by phone and
persuade them to go see his movie?
You'd probably think he was crazy right?
We'll isn't that what most networkers are doing? Calling all of
their leads one at a time to persuade them to join their
Scary huh!?
You need to talk to 5,000 leads at once through a medium such as a
letter, video, or email, and let the interested people raise their
hands and come to you, and COPYWRITING is what allows you to do that effectively.
And you probably do that some of that stuff now in one way or
another...You probably have an email autoresponder, and you probably do some kind of advertising.
There's a very good chance that you're not getting the kind of
results you think you should...
I can't tell you how many times I've been asked by distributors to
show them how to write an autoresponder series that will get their
prospects salivating with desire to call them and get started,
credit card in hand.
Their emails simply don't produce that kind of reaction and they
can't figure out why.
Same goes for writing Google ads and sales letters. Some produce
leads, distributors, and sales like a champ, while others
And the difference between the two is what we're talking about... The
skill of copywriting... the magic fairy-dust sprinkled on top of
written words that turn them into a living, breathing sales person
that recruits and makes money for you.
You can't just write a sales letter and call yourself a copywriter,
any more than you could recite some lines from a movie and call
yourself an actor. Like everything else in life, it's a skill set
that requires some study.
But thankfully, there are some short-cuts you can take. You don't
have to reinvent the wheel here, and you wouldn't want to.
Some great resources I highly recommend are Dan Kennedy's book,
"The Ultimate Sales Letter" which you can buy at Barnes And Nobles
or Amazon for about $15.00.
Another "must read", is "Scientific Advertising" by Claude Hopkins.
This is one of the oldest/best books every written on the topic and
I'd like to give you a free copy. You can click here to download it
right now....
Finally, (and most importantly), you'll want to study and learn
from the individuals who are already in your market, and producing
big results with their copy.
People who know what works and who literally earn a living writing
copy are the best ones to learn from. Here's the web page:
This guy is AMAZING when it comes to writing letters and websites
that get your prospects to whip out their wallets and BUY, and his
under-the-radar style is perfect for the over-hyped networking
So to recap, I consider this skill the foundation for you entire
You've got to learn how to write effective copy because you need to...
- Write ads that generate traffic
- Write capture pages that produce leads
- Write a sales letter that sells your opportunity for you.
- Write an email series that gets your leads to call you.
- Write training emails that motivate your team to take action
- And so on...
What in the world are you going to do if you don't learn this skill?
I know... You'll be stuck buying leads and dropping business cards in
bathrooms like everyone else.
Anyway... Enough of my rant for today.
This is my biggest piece of advice for turning 2008 into your
break-out year.
Don't miss it: http://www.topsecretswipefile.com/8WaysToFail.html
Fresh Leads Versus Aged Leads- The Verdict Is Still Out
You quickly calculate that it will cost you $400 to hopefully be able to talk to 100 people about your business. Ouch again!
Are these $4.00 leads worth the price? This is where the age-old debate of quality versus quantity begins.
Any industry veteran will tell you, the secret to being successful in networking is not selling people on your opportunity, rather it is sorting through enough people to find those right people for your opportunity. It is quite simple really. The more people you talk to, the more people you will find that are right for your business.
This is especially important when you are first starting out. It takes time, practice, and patience to earn the confidence that will be necessary to increase the number of people that are attracted to you.
Yes, I said attracted to you. Most often a prospect will be willing to join your company because they have connected with you and feel that you are the one that can help them become successful.
However, unless you are natural born leader with an instant knack for the phone, you might have to stumble through a few hundred calls before you get enough practice with your script to come across as confident and comfortable.
So what is the solution? Most likely, these same leads that are being sold for $4.00 as a live lead or phone interviewed lead will be sold again as an aged lead for a fraction of the cost. If you look around you’ll see them called aged leads, 7-14 day old, etc. Yes they have been contacted once, twice, or more, before you receive them, however for the fraction of the cost they can fit into anyone’s budget.
There are two main things you need to keep in mind:
1) Not every opportunity is right for everyone.
2) Not everyone is as charming as you!
Even if other people have called these leads before you, the opportunities they are representing may not have been a right fit for them. Or perhaps they may not have felt comfortable with the other people. When you first chose the company you are with now, did you look around first to see what your options were before joining? Most prospects will often want to evaluate different opportunities before making their life changing decision.
So are $4.00 leads worth it? Absolutely! But only after you are ready for them, so you can make the best of them.
But until then, why not start off with a lead that began as a high quality or premium lead that is aged slightly so that you can purchase substantially more. Remember, it’s about finding quality people, and the more people you talk to, the more quickly you will find them. The right people will be receptive to you, whether they filled out a form today, or a week ago.
As you get more experience and practice. Start combining the higher quality or fresher leads with your aged leads to experience both. You will figure out what balance of leads will work best for you and your budget.
Parting Tip: As you get better, your leads will get better, regardless of the age or quality of the lead.
Visit http://oppseekingleads.biz/54981 today.
Do You Need a Reality Check?
Some of them are really hilarious… But there is always one audition that really gets your attention.
You can see the look on the faces of the judges and how they have already pre-judged him before he even begins his performance. The cameras pan to the audience and you can see 'the look' on all of their faces as well.
When I first saw this it really moved me.
Here’s a guy who has extraordinary talent, works at Car Phone Warehouse in the UK selling cell phones and he has no idea what is about to happen to him.
Did you know that Paul went to the audition on a coin toss..?
Yup, a coin toss… Paul was so nervous he almost didn’t even audition. Could you imagine if he never did?
I think it goes without saying that YOU need to step up and start doing something about what YOU want.
Don't let the fear of success or failure stand in the way of your own greatness.
Is an Exclusive Lead truly an Exclusive Lead?
The hopeful answer is: Sometimes!
The reality is: Probably Not.
Let’s take a look at the many definitions or common categories that an Exclusive Lead can fall into:
Often times “Exclusive” means that you are only person in your particular company to receive that lead, but you still share the lead with several other people from competing companies.
Other times “Exclusive” means that your leads are exclusive for a short amount of time such as 3-7 days. After this timeframe, the Leads are sold several more times, often averaging 5-7 times.
Is it wrong for companies to do this? Absolutely not! Unless of course you are willing to spend 3 or 4 times the cost of the lead to truly get the exclusive rights to it. By selling a lead multiple times, it is the most cost effective way for a lead company to be able to get fresh leads into your hands at a price you can afford. It is only wrong if a lead company does not properly represent what you are purchasing.
Another variable you should keep in mind is that often, when people are looking for an income opportunity online, your prospect may not have just responded to one advertisement or filled out one form requesting information about a home business.
Many times people fill out multiple forms so they can compare different opportunities. You might have 3 different people thinking they have just purchased an “exclusive” lead only to find out later that the same person filled out 3 separate forms which went to 3 different people.
Did you compare different opportunities before you decided your current company was the right fit for you?
Just because you are not the only person contacting a lead, does not mean you will not have success. What it really boils down to is sorting through your lead list looking for the right people for your opportunity.
Not every opportunity if right for everyone. You might have just the opportunity they are looking for and you only spent .20 cents on the same lead that cost someone else who called them a week before you $4.00 or more.
Here's a suggestion for Opportunity Seeker leads: http://oppseekingleads.biz/54981
Overcoming Prospect Objections
These people are the skeptics and no amount of talking and arguing with them will ever get them started. So how do you overcome someone's skepticism?
Excellent question and the answer to that question is: you don't. Yep, you read right. You actually don't say anything to overcome their objection. What you do do though, is get them testimonies from other people about your product or testimonies about the company and opportunity from others who are involved with it.
Now when you are talking to someone who is interested in getting started with you and joining your team but are hesitant and reserved about jumping right in and getting started right away. What you need to do is provide your prospect with some third party validation about the company and opportunity because nothing that you can say will overcome their skepticism.
This is why gathering testimonials from your customers, and fellow team members is so crucial.
The reason testimonials are so important is because it shows your prospect that other people who aren't trying to "sell" them something have taken the "chance" and have tried your products or gotten involved with your opportunity. This gives your prospect peace of mind in knowing that they aren't the only ones trying and/or doing this, and that others have been there, but most importantly have had positive experiences.
Psychological Triggers
It's an interesting question but just imagine
if you had the answers.
How would you market differently?
For starters, you'd save a lot of money
because you'd know exactly where to spend
your advertising dollars.
It instantly puts remarkable power into all
of your marketing communications to inspire
and convince your prospects and customers to
purchase ANY product or service you sell, at
anytime... and as often as you want
There are two words that describe what we are
talking about:
** Psychological Tactics **
Two of the world's top online marketers
narrowed down the list to the Top 21
Psychological Triggers that make people
want to buy.
It's a fascinating analysis of over 89 case
studies of these powerful tactics in action.
You can read all the details here:
P.S Click on the link below and you’ll learn
how to squeeze more cash-profits out of the
customers you attract during any economic
downswing, meltdown, or recession... even if
you're on a shoestring budget!
eBook Generators
Quick Description
eBook Generator is a very useful piece of software created by Armand Morin’s company Generator Software. The software not only walks you through the steps to creating your very own eBook, but it compiles everything for you in a very professional finished product.
What I Like:
This product has been at the top of it’s category for years and it’s easy to understand why. The layout and structure of this software make creating your eBook a snap. It’s great for anyone looking to create a smart and professional eBook complete with your own graphics (you can customize the whole thing). In addition, you can save your layout as “templates” so that you don’t have to start from scratch the second time around.
Features like internet linking, password protection, eBook search as well as the having the ability to add multimedia files within the eBook, offer free trials, restrict access to certain areas of the eBook and so many others make eBook Generator the leader when it comes to eBook creation.
It also has an amazing security feature which virtually eliminates the chance of someone stealing your eBook as well as a full tracking system so that you can see when and how often your customers are reading your material.
Things To Watch For:
One thing to watch for is the format that it uses after creating your eBook. It turns your ebook into an EXE file which is harder to send through email. However, with all the additional features that are available because it is in a EXE file, eBook Generator becomes a no brainer. My recommendation is to simply create a download page for your customers to retrieve your eBook instead of sending the eBook through email.
If you are looking for a way to compile your information into an eBook format then eBook Generator should be at the top of your list. Dollar for dollar, this is by far the best product on the market and the one thing that I like about all Generator Software products is they have a full-time support staff. So if you have questions, you can always get answers.
For more information on this product check out http://ebook.generatorsoftware.com/x.php?af=424197
Leads Can Be a Powerful Way to Build Your Business
This won't be as expensive as you think it might be, because I'm going to tell you not to get a whole lot. The days are gone when you can buys lots of inexpensive leads, plug them into an email AutoResponder system and have them blast out to people. SPAM regulations mean it is no longer possible to just upload a huge list of people into a system and start sending emails. Most of them require that the system sends out a confirmation email to make sure the person actually requested to receive emails from you.
So what do you do? You buy quality leads that you will be able to call or send an E-card to in a quick period of time to take advantage of their freshness. That might be 25 or 50; it might be 100. Don’t get so many you can’t work with them efficiently. You can always order more.
You may also want to go together with some people on your team and order some. Even people who are terrified of the phone can use www.SendOutCards.com/17679 to succeed with leads!
So how do you find the best leads? We’re not going to recommend one company over the other. There are many good ones. Try several, and you be the judge! To start - you can do an online search for: MLM Leads
I am including an article here that was written by Doug Firebaugh. He gives some great information and this will be a good place for you to begin your research!
MLM Leads. . . That is a sound of music to my ears. Why? I worked MLM Leads for nearly 8 years, and had great success with them. That is why I have a pretty good understanding of what really makes a good MLM Lead, and what does not.
In the pursuit of finding these top 15 Network Marketing Lead companies, there were some requirements and considerations that went into the mix. An MLM lead is only part of the MLM Lead Success Formula. There were 5 things that we looked at when we were considering MLM Lead Companies.
What are they?
1) Quality of the MLM lead.
Quality of lead is everything. There are some great looking websites out there that look totally rocking, but we found that the quality of leads when we called them, were less than what you should expect in an MLM lead.
Beautiful site, great looking logo, lousy leads.
That is why we actually had people order leads, and we called them. We called more than one bunch of leads as well. This at least would give us a feeling of consistency or lack of it. The MLM Lead companies we chose were highly consistent in quality of lead, and people who truly were looking for a business. It took us 7 months to complete the research on MLM leads.
2) Training of working the MLM Leads.
Many of the beautiful sites offered no type of ongoing training, and that was something that really needs to be a part of any good MLM leads programs. There were some that had online training, as well as CDs and training series you could purchase. That was good, but the ongoing live training was the best idea, and we found many MLM leads Companies that did just that.
Training also includes scripts, handling objections, presentation, following up, closing, and other MLM leads topics. There are some HOT MLM leads sites out there that truly delivered on this quality of MLM leads training.
3) MLM Leads Support.
The support factor was key. Once the MLM leads were purchased, was there somehow support in case of need? Most had email support, some had live phone support, and some had live instant message support. There were sites that offered no support, and if you had a challenge with your MLM leads, then good luck.
The support should be somehow resolving issues that arise, including bad MLM leads, wrong numbers or emails, and general problems. The MLM Leads companies we found that were the best, had a support system. And some type of guarantee also should be part of the network marketing lead program.
4) Targeted MLM leads.
Many companies had different types of targeted MLM leads, including company specific, live TV leads, local leads, gender specific, product specific, area code specific, among others. Targeted MLM leads are the favorite of the Networkers I talked to, as it gives people a more focused lead, and a more targeted impact.
5) Pricing of the MLM leads.
This was a huge factor in determining many people''s decision to buy. But to be blunt, you get what you pay for. There are many cheap network marketing home business lead companies with cheap leads, but here is a warning:
Be careful. You get what you pay for.
Ask if you can try maybe 15-20 leads to see if they are worth the money. Many companies give free network marketing leads away to try.
Understand that a great MLM lead may cost you several dollars, and rightfully so.
An MLM lead purchase is NOT a purchase, but an investment in your business. One good MLM lead can produce tens of thousands of dollars in volume and revenues. If you understand that, then the pricing should not be as important as the quality and training of the Network marketing lead company.
And of course, REPUTATION had a lot to do with the selection as well. Some companies that came across really well, when checked on, did not have a very good reputation for MLM Leads and service.
What are the Top 15 MLM lead Companies? (They are in no particular order, as all are really good as far as our research would tell us.)
Do your OWN DUE DILIGENCE before you purchase, but these we found are pretty strong as all scored well in the above areas of requirement.
1) Cutting Edge Media
2) Leads2yoursuccess.com
3) Networkleads.com
4) LeadsLab MLM leads
5) Leaders Club MLM leads
6)Traffic Oasis (Need a referral source for this one)
7) Fast MLM Leads
8) Pro MLM Leads
9) NPros (Company specific mlm leads)
10) Jungle Leads
11) Optimized Leads
12) Laser Leads
13) Leads Lists
14) MLM leads.com
There ARE other good MLM lead companies out there, depending on what you are looking for. But these we found as far as research, were the better ones, and some were beyond exceptional.
MLM leads are a great source of NEW BLOOD for your business. You can find Gold mine after Gold mine, in a good Network marketing lead and great MLM Leads.
10 Serious AdWords Beginners Mistakes
2. Letting Google Retire Your Ads Without Testing: In Campaign Settings, when you turn "Optimize Ad Serving" OFF, you declare a winner and a loser much faster. Turn that option off if you're checking in every day.
3. Split Testing for Improved CTR Only: At first, Click Thru Rate is the only thing you can measure. You want it high so you get the most traffic. But eventually what REALLY matters is conversion rate and cost per new customer. Sometimes high CTR ads don't bring buyers. Conversion is what matters most.
4. Ignoring the Display URL Line in your Ad: If you own www.redwagon.com, you should try www.RedWagon.com, and www.RedWagon.com/RadioFlyer, or www.RadioFlyer.RedWagon.com, or RedWagonStore.com. Tiny hinges swing big doors.
5. Creating Ad Groups with Unrelated Keywords: Do not write an ad and dump every keyword under the sun into the ad group. Make tight ad groups based on a narrow set of related keywords matched closely to the ads and the landing page. Ignore this important tip and you'll find that you have a lot of people clicking on your ad, only to exit the page real quickly because it's not what they were looking for. Your advertising cost will be very high and you won't receive a good return on your advertising investment.
6. Muddying Search and Content Results: If you run all three streams of traffic (Google / Search / Content Network) through the same ad group, you lose the ability to distinguish among the very different kinds of traffic. I prefer to separate Google & Search from Content, in different campaigns.
7. Ignoring the 80/20 Principle: The 80/20 Rule says that the vast majority of outputs (impressions, clicks, leads, sales) are caused by a very small minority of inputs (ad groups, ads and keywords.) Spend your time on the vital few instead of the insignificant many.
8. Declaring Split-Test Winners Too Slowly: If you can declare a winner twice as fast, your site improves twice as fast. I recommend combing through your ads as often as you can announce a winner. If you go to www.splittester.com you can enter the # of clicks and the CTR of any two ads and it'll tell you whether the better one is really better, or if it might just be luck.
9. Declaring Split-Test Winners to Quickly: If one ad got 1% and 5 clicks, and the other got 2% and 8 clicks, that's not enough clicks to know for sure the winner is a sure thing. Again, let www.splittester.com decide their fate. Rule of thumb: 20+ clicks on each ad.
10. Ignoring negative keywords: Just about ANY ad group should probably have some negative keywords. It should always be on your checklist. It increases your Click Thru Rate because your ads don't get shown to people who shouldn't see them. Less waste.
Offline Automated Follow-Up Systems
Yet for some reason, when it comes to offline promotion, even those guys who are doing it, usually stop after 1 letter, or 1 phone call.
You may be asking ‘What’s an Auto-Responder?’. Here's a great link, that even lets you test drive it free!
Basically, you set up your messages to be sent to your prospects over a period of time. This system will even let you set up a data capture window that you can paste into your website so that when people want more information, they enter their name / email / phone number / address (whatever you want to capture) and your email autoresponder takes care of sending emails out to each person for you.
I think the biggest reason that most people don't followup offline is that it’s very hard to automate things offline. I did start using one system that is very powerful to automate our offline marketing. I’ll tell you their name in a minute, but let me explain how it works first.
What happens, is that after someone becomes a buyer, I sign into a special website. I then add the buyer’s contact information into our database. That system then sends them a postcard immediately thanking them for their order, and giving them information about how to reach me (customer support). I do this for my own network marketing company, a skin care and nutrition product. Yes, in this case, ‘customer support’ is really just me and my husband.
Then a few days later, it sends another card telling them about the ways I would compensate them for referrals [now I have them advertising for me], then about 2 weeks later I may send another one up selling another product that compliments what they purchased the first time (like, a sea salt scrub if they ordered a body lotion or an adult vitamin product if they ordered a teen vitamin). Then, each month, I’ll send them a card letting them know what monthly specials I have for that specific month. I also know about how long the product they purchased will last, so I’ll automatically send them a reminder about it being time to reorder. In each card, I’ll give them my direct phone number, my hours of operation and my website address so they can order online anytime in the comfort of their own home… at 2:30 in the morning if they want!
It works just like an email autoresponder, but with postcards and greeting cards. You are able to upload your own picture, add your own signatures, personalize the cards with your buyers name, AND even have the cards written in your OWN handwriting.
It’s a VERY powerful system that I started using for my skin care business in December of 2006. Since I began implementing this system, I've received more referrals and more repeat customers for my skin care and nutrition products. It's even great for direct mail because I can import the list of prospects that I buy from a lead company and send all of those prospects the same postcards and cards! I just set up a campaign and click a few buttons and I never have to worry about it again. I can send thousands of cards and postcards all at one time! And, they print the card for me, put in in an envelope, print the envelope, put a stamp on it and take it to the mailbox! I never have to lick an envelope or deal with those sticky stamps!
Here are just a few of the things I've seen since using it:
• Increase in customer referrals
• More backend sales
• Reduced refund rates
• Higher levels of customer satisfaction
• Money saved on direct mail
• And much more...
It costs about $1.00 to send out each card. The company’s name is Send Out Cards and I actually set up a page for you on the company’s website where you can send out a card and I’ll cover the costs for you (just so you can see how powerful the system is). You can choose from over 7,000 cards and postcards. It's quite amazing, and sure beats going to the drug store or WalMart to look for cards. I don't have time for that. Do you?
Just visit: www.SendOutCards.com/17679 and click on the button “Send A Free Card Now.”
They key here again is to try to automate your offline marketing to make it more like internet marketing by using automated follow up systems.
Hope this post helps!
Do Your Potential Customers Forget About You?
Your web business probably gets product inquiries from potential customers around the globe. Inquiries come via e-mail and your web site, and you try to send information to each hot prospect as quickly as you can. You know that you can drastically increase the likelihood of making a sale by satisfying each person's need for information quickly!
But, after you've delivered that first bit of information to your prospect, do you send him any further information?
If you are like most Internet marketers, you don't.
When you don't follow that initial message with additional information later on, you let a valuable prospect slip from your grasp! This is a potential customer who may have been very interested in your products, but who lost your contact information, or was too busy to make a purchase when your first message reached him. Often, a prospect will purposely put off making a purchase, to see if you find him important enough to follow up with later. When he doesn't receive a follow up message from you, he will take his business elsewhere.
Are you losing profits due to inconsistent and ineffective follow up?
Following up with leads is more than just a process - it's an art. In order to be effective, you need to design a follow up system, and stick to it, EVERY DAY! If you don't follow up with your prospects consistently, INDIVIDUALLY, and in a timely fashion, then you might as well forget the whole follow up process.
Consistent follow up gets results!
When I first started marketing and following up with prospects, I used a follow up method that I now call the "List Technique." I had a large database containing the names and e-mail addresses of people who had specifically requested information about my products and services. These prospects had already received my first letter by the time they requested more information, so I used the company's latest news as a follow up piece. I would write follow up newsletters every now and then, and send them, in one mass mailing, to everyone who had previously requested information from me. While this probably did help me win a few additional orders, it wasn't a very good follow up method. Why isn't the "List Technique" very effective?
The List Technique isn't consistent. Proponents of the List Technique tend to only send out follow up messages when their companies have "big news".
List Technique messages don't give the potential customer any additional information about the product or service in question. He can't make a more informed buying decision after receiving a newsletter! If someone is wondering whether your company sells the best knick-knacks, what does he care that you've just moved your headquarters?
List Technique messages convey a "big list" mentality to your potential customers. When I used to write follow up messages using the List Technique, I was writing news bulletins to everyone I knew! I should have been sending a personal message to each individual who wanted to know more about my products.
What follow up method really works?
Following up with each lead individually, multiple times, but at set intervals, and with pre-written messages, will dramatically increase sales! Others who use this same technique confirm that they have all at least doubled the sales of various products! In order to set this system up, though, you need to do some planning.
First, you'll need to develop your follow up messages. If you've been marketing on the Internet for any length of time, then you should already have a first informative letter. Your second letter marks the beginning of the follow up process, and should go into more detail than the first letter. Fill this letter with details that you didn't have the space to add to the first letter. Stress the BENEFITS of your products or services!
Your next 2-3 follow up messages should be rather short. Include lists of the benefits and potential uses of your products and services. Write each letter so that your prospects can skim the contents, and still see the full force of your message.
The next couple of follow up messages should create a sense of urgency in your prospect's mind. Make a special offer, giving him a reason to order NOW instead of waiting any longer. After reading these follow up messages, your prospect should want to order immediately!
Phrase each of your final 1 or 2 follow up messages in the form of a question. Ask your prospect why he hasn't yet placed an order? Try to get him to actually respond. Ask if the price is to high, the product isn't the right color or doesn't have the right features, or if he is looking for something else entirely. (By this time, it's unlikely that this person will order from you. However, his feedback can help you modify your follow up letters or products, so that other prospects will order from you.)
The timing of your follow up letters is just as important as their content. You don't want one prospect to receive a follow up the day after he gets your initial informative letter, while another prospect waits weeks for a follow up!
Always send an initial, informative letter as soon as it is requested, and send the first follow up 24 hours afterwards. You want your hot prospects to have information quickly, so that they can make informed buying decisions!
Send the next 2-3 follow up messages between 1 and 3 days apart. Your prospect is still hot, and is probably still shopping around! Tell him about the benefits of your products and services, as opposed to your competitors'. You will make the sale!
Send the final follow up messages later on. You certainly don't want to annoy your prospect! Make sure that these last letters are at least 4 days apart.
Following up effectively seems complicated, but it doesn't have to be! So many potential customers are lost because of poor follow up - don't you want to be one of the few to get it right?
Tom Kulzer, CEO and Founder of Newtown, PA based AWeber Communications, Inc. an opt-in email service provider. With 7 years managing opt-in follow up and newsletters for small businesses, email deliverability is an integral part of day to day operations. Learn more: http://www.aweber.com/?221270 and http://www.deliverymonitor.com/?536
The Five Components That Must Exist To Generate A Mind Blowing 6 Figure Monthly Income
1. To effectively position yourself you must become the expert. Now, I don’t just mean that you need to study your products and comp plan, but you also have to be an expert in understanding your audience. What are their needs, wants and desires? What will motivate them to get involved with your business? What solutions (for their problems) can you provide for them? Who is your target audience? If you’re marketing health and wellness, why would you be pitching a 22-year-old college student? Even if he/she did sign up, they’ll be dropping in a few short months because they never had an attachment to the product. Look at the biggest business builders in your company. They’re emotionally attached to the product. They used it and saw results. That’s how it should be! Be conscious of who your ideal target market happens to be. This will provide you with a better understanding of how you can best get exposed to them.
2. Use techniques that will enable you to get exposure of your products and services to the masses! Why is it that conference lines for sales calls have really just taken off over the past year or 2? We’ve used them for years. They should be a requirement for any business owner. They’re cheap. And more importantly, when used correctly, you can get yourself in front of a lot of people that truly have a want, need and desire for what you possess.
3. Phone mastery. If you’re looking to grow a business to heights you can’t even imagine the phone must be your friend. One of your best friends. Can you imagine speaking with prospects that have already displayed a want and desire for your products every single day? This is a crucial element that’s required for success. When you have prospects that WANT to speak with you and have already displayed an interest in what you have, growing a business becomes child’s play. How many people per day do you think would join you in business if you were just speaking with 10 prospects a day that needed or desired something you have? Let’s assume only 2 of those people. That’s 10 new associates per week into your business! Now, it’s starting to come together and we haven’t even shared the other 2 explosive goodies with you yet.
4. Internet mastery. The Internet is an explosive tool. It’s absolutely incredible, but just like any other tool you have in your garage, one must know how to properly use it. Having a website just isn’t enough. You need to know what to have on it, where to put what and how to tap into the mind of your prospect. Furthermore, one must know how to get targeted visitors to the website that already want and need what you have. Once this is mastered, this tool becomes so powerful words can’t depict. The Internet is one of the main components that have allowed us to generate millions and millions of dollars in a very short time span.
5. Mastery of the written word. How would you like to enroll associates into your business without ever speaking with them? What if you could write a sales letter from top to bottom that put people into your business whether you were sleeping or golfing? Would that have a dramatic impact on your business? Absolutely. This is such an explosive tool that we’ve learned to master over the years it’s actually frightening. There are some companies where all they do is send sales letters pitching various products that generate hundreds of millions of dollars every single year. What would it be like to log into your administration area in the morning to see that your business grew by 7 people while you were sleeping? By mastering the written word and using copy to create salivating messages you too can grow a million dollar business inside of 12 months.
Visit this site to learn more: http://www.explosivemlm.com/8WaysLR.htm
Your MLM Business and MLM Leads
Here's why:
In the world of network marketing and MLM many people get turned off or cringe every time they hear that phrase. It's because we've been so filled up with lies, half truths and misleading statements for years. The only thing we ever hear about in this industry is how easy it is to get rich and make tons of money. The sad thing is only 2% of all network marketers ever make a nickle. That's a pretty sad statistic.
Network marketing is just a distribution channel. You become the distributor. People, like you and I, become basically the marketing arm of the company. We're now responsible to move product. We're no different than a WalMart or Target, only we don't have to have a gigantic overhead and massive amount of inventory or personnel working for us. If we're just the marketing arm for the company essentially shouldn't we worry about consumption of the product first? Shouldn't we have as many people as possible consuming our product every month, week or day? The more consumption that takes place that fatter our wallet gets, at least we're doing it ethically and morally and didn't promise someone else the world at the same time. If you're truly passionate about your product and believe in what you have, then this is the only way to truly build a long term residual income home based business.
I LOVE this industry! It truly is the greatest industry on the face of the planet where the average, every day person can make an abundance of wealth while helping others at the same time.
I encourage you, against the grain, to STOP leading with the opportunity.
Even if you do get others into your business that are there because of greed, there's ALWAYS going to be a better, high paying opportunity out there. Be passionate about your products and services. It shines through during your presentation. It also leads to a much higher retention rate and higher monthly product orders. And you'll find just as many people that fall in love with the product because they experienced results and they choose to market it. They become your BEST marketers and they're doing it for all the right reasons.
Do you think a boatshop owner owns a boatshop because he loves boats? Absolutely.
Was Bill Gates persistent because he loves computers?
You get the idea...
Now, let's talk about MLM Leads and it will make sense why I chatted about the relevance of leading with the products you're marketing.
The best lead you can possibly buy has NOTHING to do with opportunity seekers. It's all about PRODUCT BUYERS.
Here's what I mean. If you're marketing internet protection, wouldn't it make sense to speak with people that have recently purchased a home computer, but have no protection on it?
If you're marketing network marketing training with a compensation plan attached to it, doesn't it make sense to speak with MLM'ers that are struggling with their home based business?
If you're marketing a product that reduces the signs of aging doesn't it just make sense to market your product to the segment of the population that's consistently purchasing skin care or wrinkle reducing products?
Not just "Yes", but a resounding, screaming..."Heck Yeah!"
They're dirt cheap too!
Here's a few places to take a peek at for viable leads to promote your products and services:
1. www.tlclists.com
2. www.wholesalelists.com
3. www.martinworldwide.net
4. www.usadata.com
5. www.centurylist.com
These are a few places to get started with. Remember, lead brokers are in the business of making money too! Ask questions like:
How was this list compiled?
How old is the data?
Is it a monthly 'hotline' file or is this a one shot deal?
How large is the file?
What is your policy for disconnected or wrong telephone numbers?
Best of luck to ya!
Top 8 List Of Business Building Techniques Being Taught That Flat Out – Do Not Work…
2. Passing out business cards, brochures, audios and DVD’s. Does this technique sound familiar? Companies love it! They make money all over the place. Every time you purchase one of their “promotional” products they’re making money and guess what…when the one in 100 cd’s that you handed out turns into a new associate their business just grew. Again, for them it’s about numbers. If they have a huge associate base even if the conversion rate is only 1% they’re still growing and better yet, they’re making money off you every single time you run out of “promotional” items and have to purchase more. Not a bad situation for them now is it?
3. 3-way calling. This has got to be one of the most counter productive methods to grow a business that exists. One of the biggest things that’s critical in growing a business is that you need to be the expert. Not your upline or the “triple platinum” that’s 3 levels above you. YOU need to be an expert. Why would you let someone else fill that role for you?
4. Hotel meetings and driving all over town. Doesn’t this defeat the purpose of having a “home based business”? I can’t tell you how many people that we consult with that are constantly driving all over town picking up meal tabs for this “prospect that’s about to come a new associate”. Uh huh. If we had a dime for every time we heard “I’m gonna bring this one in during lunch” we’d be rolling in deep, thick piles of cash.
5. The Product sales itself! I love this one. If the product truly sold itself why would the company need you? Do you think they would have resorted to network marketing as a business model and form of distribution to get their products in the hands of the masses? Fat chance. They would have opened up retail stores all over the country. They wouldn’t have a need for you. I’ll be blunt. Products don’t sell themselves. They need advertising and promotion. Look at every commercial on T.V.; radio, newspaper ads, etc are those products selling themselves. If so, why’d they spend big bucks to purchase airtime or ad space? Big myth. Please, for the sake of your wallet, don’t fall into this trap. Products don’t sell themselves. Companies know this, but it sounds so good when they make those types of statements that they can’t refrain from telling us things like that.
6. The ‘ol 3 who get 3 who get 3 and you’re filthy, stinkin’ rich. I’m sure you’ve heard of this one. All you have to do is get 3 and then help those 3 get three and get those people 3 and POOF…your checking account explodes and you’re making a nice tidy 6 figure annual income. This one almost makes me chuckle out loud. This mythical, completely unrealistic way of growing a business flat out, does not work. We have yet to see one single person (out of over 4,000 students) that has used this approach and found the success they were seeking. It just doesn’t happen.
7. All you have to do is put up a website, share it with your neighbors (or put it on your business card) and you’re well on your way to a nice, sizeable income. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’ve done any type of marketing you’ve quickly realized that this isn’t the way to get the job done. Not even close. There truly is an art and science to how the site should be constructed, what to have on it and getting targeted visitors to your site that truly have a need and desire for what you’re marketing. Just having a website means absolutely nothing. It’s a tool that must be used properly and the vast majority of marketers have not been skilled on how to use it appropriately.
8. Holding home parties will make you rich! How many leaders do you know that are making in excess of a quarter million a year that are holding house parties? This is a technique that can and does work if you’re looking to grow your business at a snail’s pace and you’re on the 40-year game plan to start making the “big bucks”. If you’re on a different plan, you need a faster and much more efficient way of making this happen. Home parties just won’t cut it. There are other ways of making it happen that is a whole lot easier and you don’t have to have strangers in your home every week either!
Visit http://www.explosivemlm.com/8WaysLR.htm to Find Out How to Finally Succeed in Network Marketing!
Do You Have What it Takes to Succeed?
Assuming you don't have an endless supply of money when you start your own business, you are suddenly responsible for a lot more than just doing your job. If you've always relied on other departments or people to take care of your marketing, IT, legal, finance, or admin needs, it can come as quite a shock to realize it's now all down to you.
Carrying out a skills audit is a key part of planning the launch of your own business. There are several important questions that you should be asking yourself:
• Which essential tasks do I feel able to fulfill now?
• Which tasks will I be able to learn how to do through online learning, by talking to friends, colleagues, and business support organizations or by taking a course?
• Which tasks will you always need paid professionals to help with?
Once you have established the above, it's a simple question of allocating the appropriate resources and money for the professionals and the time you will need for the task you are confident you can do.
Companies who do not fully understand the importance of Marketing will never be fully successful, as the success of your enterprise hinges on whether your customers actually buy into your product, service, or brand.
Marketers and sales people have a variety of tools and techniques at their disposal and are constantly seeking new and inventive ways of selling.
You should satisfy yourself that you have the skills and experience to:
• Identify your target market and judge how receptive your customers will be to your offering
• Listen to and understand your customers and be aware of what makes them tick and, in particular, what factors influence their purchasing decisions
• Acquire, handle the relationship with customers and build loyalty
• Be an effective and persuasive salesperson
• Keep the exposure and recognition of your brand high
• Be able to negotiate and know how to close a deal
To Your Success,
Lana Robinson
Just In Time Marketing, LLC
Finally - A Top Secret Way You Can Get Google AdWords Pay-Per-Clicks FREE
A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an "oversight" on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.
And no, nothing about his "secret" is illegal - nor does it require that you know someone on the "inside" at Google, Yahoo, MSN, Overture and others.
Instead, the New Yorker boasts proudly "...this is something that I caught onto just before 2000 when there was so much search engine craze running around, and started doing small just to test things at first ... but which I later expanded on after getting the hang of it."
This same fellow went on to start and operate sixteen separate online companies selling everything from pet food, DVDs, children's toys & games, books, software, and sold not only his own manufactured products but became an affiliate for other web businesses - all the while applying his mastermind secret.
Over the course of nearly eight years the New Englander confesses "I've actually gotten over $87 million in advertising that using my secret I never had to pay for ... and the largest share of which was more recently in Google pay-per-clicks as well as other forms of pad advertising at search engines ... all of which I got for free ..."
So powerful is his secret that he's able to monopolize any niche online, and can always secure the top premium spots just above the usual organic results featured at most search engines.
He still has to set up an account with the search engines - but after applying his secret he is removed from having to pay for all the costs otherwise involved.
Again, nothing about his secret is either illegal or robs from the search engines.
One spokesperson from one of the most popular search engines said chuckling after being made privy to this amazing secret "Wow! Ha! This is really unique ... and in my expert opinion it would only serve to enhance and bring more business to us at [name of search engine withheld for legal & confidentiality reasons] and not cause us to lose business in the slightest. Amazing!"
The northerner revealed that in this nearly eight years' period of time since applying his secret he's done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most diverse line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really "buckling down and pressing my secret to its fullest potential."
Now to everyone else's fortune, the city slicker is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of pay-per-click ads to the general public. But he's not promising any of us for how long.
A bit of an eccentric, the gentleman says "We'll see just how long I can make it available before it saturates things."
One famous public web guru pointed out that although this man may gain economically more so as a result of the publication of his secret "he's already so amazingly rich that whether he continues or discontinues its sale will neither make nor break the man, but not grabbing it for yourself while it's still available could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance, and a very limited one at that, to get this."
It is currently available at:
...so you may want to head on over there now and get it.
It's in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.
While you're there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in targeted advertising now made freely available to the rest of us?
To your success,
Lana Robinson
Prospecting 101
Becoming a master prospector takes knowledge, confidence and time. But why wait...especially when you don’t have to!
We can accelerate the process and help you become a prospecting wizard quicker than you ever thought possible!
We can help you learn the techniques the top money-makers use. The very same techniques that will help you make more money!
With our industry-best live training 5 days a week...you have the opportunity to learn something different from all of our hosts...turning you into an prospecting all-star!
"Exposed! Why 3 Way Calling To Your Upline Will NEVER Grow Your Business....."
Remember, when you’re showing a prospect your product or a business opportunity it’s a sales presentation. WOW ! Calm down. I know you were told there would be no selling, but let's face it. Your only reason for showing this product or business to a prospect is simple. You want them to buy. Now that’s selling.
So lets try the 3 way calling in another example.
You go to your local Ford garage and are looking for a new car. A salesman comes up to you and tells you he has the best car in the world for you, and you just have to take a look. So you go and have a look around the car and it looks good. Actually it looks almost perfect, maybe even too good. So you start asking a few questions. You ask the simple ones first “does it come in blue?”. The salesman answers that he thinks so. You ask if you can have alloy wheels too. The salesman replies “well actually, let me just get an expert on the phone for you. He knows all about these cars and can answer all your questions”. So you get the car expert on the phone and he tells you all about it and competently answers your questions. You then happy buy the perfect car, safe in the knowledge of a good purchase.
Sounds good doesn’t it. And that’s what happens in Network Marketing. So what’s the problem ?
Simple! Let's go back to the example. If you were buying that car, after talking to the expert, what’s your opinion of the salesman in front of you? Come on be truthful. You see him as a paper pushing monkey, who doesn’t really know much but can at least do the paperwork. Correct?
Now that is EXACTLY what your new associate thinks as well. So who do you think they’re going to take their new prospects to? You or your upline?? Good guess - you won’t be getting that phone call. Your new associate is serious, and you couldn’t even answer their questions, so why are they going to entrust their new diamond covered, gold plated, hot new prospect to you?
You see - YOU are never positioned. How can you build your business long term using this approach ? The simple answer is you can’t.
“But wait” you say. “I’ve been told this is the best way to grow the business.” I’ll be the first to tell you that, that statement is absolutely true. It is. However its not your business that’s growing. It's your upline's. You see you have to face the truth. Over 90% of network marketers fail or quit in the first 12 months. As far as your upline is concerned you’re almost guaranteed to quit. So he needs you to bring in at least 1 person to replace yourself. If you get 2 then even better, their business just grew if you did. On average people bring in 2.4 new prospects before quitting. If you were your upline wouldn’t you want to be positioned as the expert and have that relationship with the new prospects?
Now back to the car salesman. What if you asked him questions and he answered the majority competently? Let's say you asked him a really, really tricky one. How about “how many teeth does the 4th gear wheel have?”. Instead of getting you an expert he replied “Wow ! great question and to be honest I’ve not been asked that before. Grab a cup of coffee, I’ll just find out for you and be back in 5 minutes”.
You still got all your answers. You still bought the car. But what’s your opinion of the car salesman now? A little different?
Spend the time to become the expert, treat your business like YOUR business and position yourself as the expert. I promise you the results will amaze you!
Knowing "The Secret" Will Help You Make Money At Home Online
The power of positive thinking that is so often preached about in self-help books and movies these days is seen by many people as being "hocus-pocus", or brain-washing at its best, especially if you are one of the many who is frustrated with making money at home online.
It is probably those who think about it in such a negative way who don't really know about "The Secret". I have yet to see the movie myself, and have just started reading the book, but can already tell you that my thoughts and feelings became more positive after only 20 pages. It is going to be a proud addition to my spiritual book collection, and manifested in my business life to help me make more money at home online.
I am an online business owner who, like everyone in this business, wants to make money at home online. But I am one of the "survivors" as I so call it. When you consider that 95-98% of all those who start an online business quit within their first year, I am proud to still be alive and kicking. But this did not happen by mistake or miracle, and your success or failure in business and life is no accident either, as you will see when you read on...
If you haven't learned "The Secret", then now is the time if you want a successful online business. What is "The Secret" you ask, and how will it help you make money at home online?
"The Secret" is simply "the law of attraction" - That "like" attracts "like". If you have negative thoughts about your business and think you'll never make any money at it, then you are attracting more and more negative thoughts just like that one, which over time will become your reality.
For example, if you find out that 95% of all online business owners quit within their first year, and have negative doubts about your success, then that is what the universe will mirror back at you: More doubt, more fears, more failure. If you let these thoughts of doubt, fear, and failure dominate your thinking, then eventually this is the fate you will create for yourself.
Those who really want to make money at home online are positive thinkers who know already that they are part of the small 5% who will succeed at this business. "The Secret" tells us that it doesn't matter how - What matters is that you already believe and feel it within yourself that you already have what you want. You already have money, success, love, and riches. You feel it, and you feel good about it.
The master of "The Secret" knows that even when you don't actually have what you desire right this minute - money at home online - that you have an intense faith that it will come. Any time fear and doubt creeps into your thoughts, you must change them, otherwise the universe will get mixed signals about what you want, and you will get mixed results.
Many online business owners may be very skeptical of this principle, but it is exactly that skepticism that breeds exactly what they don't want. They won't make money at home online because they are skeptical that they will. It is an undying truth that you get what you ask for, and that you create your reality with your thoughts.
The beauty of it all is that we are masters of our thoughts, so if we want negativity, fear, and doubt, we will get just that. If we want to change that, we can! If you really want to make money at home online, then there are steps you can take to help change your thoughts and create the reality you want.
Step one according to "The Secret" is to ask, or in other words, define what you want. Be very specific, picture it, and do not mention what you don't want. For example, "I have $1000 per month in profits from my online business". When you stay focused on that end result, it doesn't matter how it happens, when, or where - what you focus on will become your reality.
Notice that I said, "I have $1000 per month in profits...", rather than "I want $1000 per month in profits". If you want it, the universe will give that right back to you - the wanting of it, and you will get more wanting of it! Be careful what you ask for because you might just get it!
That brings me to the next step according to "The Secret", which is to believe that you already have it and will get it. If your thoughts go astray, be careful, because you might just get what you have led your thoughts astray to thinking, feeling, and believing! It may take time to train yourself to keep your thoughts and feelings in check so that you can stay focused and positive about what you want.
The final step according to "The Secret" is to receive, or truly feel good about and love what you want, or feel the same way that you would if you actually had it. You won't make money at home online if you think you can't, for that's like asking for a positive, but feeling negative - a conflict of opposites in the universe.
This is the first part of "The Secret" and how it can help you make money at home online. Remember that you create your own life with your thoughts, so think happy thoughts and you will get what you ask for!
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/home-business-articles/knowing-the-secret-will-help-you-make-money-at-home-online-205412.html
About the Author:
Liane Bate owns a Plug-in Profit Site web business. Learn how to Make Money At Home Online with "The Secret".
Follow the Leader
There are several interesting phenomena's in Network Marketing or business in general that I haven't quite figured out why they happen.
One being that distributors will start seeing success-- and then they will change what they are doing for no reason and they can't figure out why they aren't being successful anymore or that their business slows down.
Another one is they will see others succeed -- and instead of doing what successful distributors are doing they will try to reinvent the wheel.
Another is they will try everything they can to stay within their comfort zone and hope it is enough to create success.
If I was starting brand spanking new in a network marketing company today, there are a few things I would do to assure instant success and sustain that success over time a long period of time.
The first thing I would do is get my head around the fact that success has nothing to do with comfort. Life begins... at the end of your comfort zone! We rarely see success, if ever, without getting out of our comfort zone. You have to stretch a little, and sometimes a lot, to make things happen!
The second thing I would do is find the top 25 money earners in the company or the people in my area, who are being successful, find out what they are doing, look for the common threads and clone those activities that are getting the results I want. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Every MLM, Sales, Success book or CD worth its price will tell you to look for the people who are making it happen and do what they do. Wait... what do you do if you actually find those successful marketers and then they don't want to tell you what they do to make it work? Keep reading.
If you are lucky enough, you'll find the right mentors and leaders to literally walk you through the process of how to make it all happen. Talk to your upline. Wait... you've already done that, huh? You've been to the conference calls. You've gone to the conventions. You've done 3-way calls with your upline. We've all been told that this business is a numbers game. But, those 'numbers' don't have to be the lady standing next to you in the grocery store or your dental hygenist.
When I was a little girl, we use to play the game "Follow the Leader". We would pick someone to lead us and we would do exactly what the title of game suggests. Everywhere the leader led us we would go. If the leader wasn't a very good leader, we would be led to do some pretty stupid stuff. Maybe we made it home in time for dinner, and maybe not.
The great thing about the Dream Team is that we have some pretty amazing leaders. I suggest you "Follow the leader(s)" and don't reinvent the wheel. Thousands have joined our training programs and seen great success. Who will you follow? Have you found your leader?
Lana RobinsonHome Business Repair Consultant
Professional Victims
There is a group of people that can't go forward and achieve UNLESS the world is a certain way, the company does certain things, the weather co-operates, the sponsor says the right words, and no personal problems appear.
All of these circumstances control the fates of these individuals.So you ask them: "So how does it feel to be controlled by everyone and everything?"
And they reply:
"Oh, it's not my fault. I just don't have any choices or opportunity. These things are always in my way."
These people are victims of their circumstances.
Now, there is a group of people that decides to achieve and move forward DESPITE the world's situation, the company's problems, the lousy weather, the worthless sponsor, and the constant barrage of personal problems. Hmmm. This group makes better networkers :)
The circumstances are the same for both groups, but the results are quite different.
So my question is:
"Which group will you decide to join?"
Lana Robinson
Home Business Repair Consultant
Are You Managing or Leading?
Instead of asking "Why can't my distributors get going?" you should find ways to lead them to want to do it.
When deadlines are pressing and every one's whining, when you've reminded someone of a special that's valid just for this month for the umpteenth time, or when you've seen the usual suspects drag in late to meetings, conference calls, or not grow their business have you ever said in frustration, "Why can't they just do what I'm doing?" Welcome to the club!
At the end of the day, it feels like being an upline is like being a glorified babysitter. The duties are the same but the shoe sizes are bigger. You spend your time chasing your distributors around and reminding them of what they are supposed to do and not do.
There has to be a better way, right?
It's called leadership. When you lead, you create an environment where people decide to follow, to take responsibility, and to beheld accountable. When you manage, you tell people what to do, monitor the progress, and make adjustments. Network Marketing is not about 'managing' your 'employees'. You have no employees. You have distributors. You shouldn't press them to do what they don't want to do; the more you lead and the less you manage, the more successful both you and your distributors will be.
Explain How They Fit in the Bigger Picture
The first step in leadership is determining where you are going. How can people grow their own business if they don't know their purpose? How does their participation in their own business fit in the big picture or even the next cog in the wheel? If they don't know what that next level in the company is, they won't see the big picture. If they don't know what bringing in 10 additional people to their business means for them, they won't do it. People take responsibility more easily when they know what they're responsible for.
The second step is gaining commitment. Make sure you have clearly communicated what it takes to grow their business and that you've provided some sort of training, because if you haven't been specific, you are going to get mixed results.
Then make sure they understand why the system exists and ask them to identify any obstacles that keep them from achieving the system.
As an upline, your job is to provide resources and remove obstacles. When commitment wanes, as it will when the going gets tough, remind people about the importance of their commitment to the big picture. Not your big picture... but what the big picture is for them.
The third step is inviting people to improve the process. Get them watching for ways to continually do things better. Do some role playing. Have a mock presentation. Have a conference call and invite people in your group to discuss what's holding them back. Susie in Maine could have just the answer that Jeff in Texas is looking for.
If you want to challenge your very best distributors to stay engaged, ask for and reward innovative thinking. Encourage people to use "alien eyes" when they do their prospecting. That means to prospect with an outside perspective and ask, "Why do we do it this way?"
Leading Means Caring
The fourth step is showing you care. The old saying goes, "They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."
If you often find yourself saying, "Why can't they just sponsor more people" or "Why can't they just sell more, they'd make so much money for themselves if they did", look at your own attitude.
Have you been empathetic and caring about what is going on with them?
All of our lives are divided into segments. It is unrealistic to believe people can leave the rest of their lives outside the door when they are prospecting. Taking an interest in people and their lives will earn their caring toward you, as well. People enjoy working with and giving to people they care about. People are loyal to people they care about.
The fifth step is helping people find the right fit. Sometimes we put a round peg in a square hole and wonder why it doesn't work. It's really hard to be successful if you don't have the knowledge, skill, or talent. Does your company have online training? Does your company have business aids that would really help your downline? Did you read a book recently that helped you in your business? Do you have a mentor? Do you have a marketing plan?
Lead them in the right direction. If they are serious about building their business, they will take action. If they aren't serious about building their business, they'll keep doing what they're doing to not grow their business. How much of your time do you want to take up with someone who's not serious? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
So, the next time you're pulling your hair out asking "Why can't they just sponsor and sell more?" ask yourself, "Am I doing everything I can do as a leader to help them succeed?" You have to lead by creating an environment where they both want to be and can be successful.
Lana Robinson
Home Business Repair Consultant
The 1% Difference
I'm going to share with you a strategy that's helped hundreds, if not thousands of people.
Don't try to improve 100% today.
Don't try to improve 50% today.
Not even 25%.
"Lana, what in the world are you talking about?"
Just follow me here.
I learned this 'insight' 10 years ago and it's helped me, BIGTIME, especially over the last 5 years.
Here's the bottom line. Most people don't do much. They do just what's necessary of them and that's it.
Whether they want to live a life of 'quiet desperation', they're lazy, or need a vision for their future, I don't know. But the fact of the matter is most people just do enough to get by.
Listen, it's so easy to be UNCOMMON. When you 'get it', you get in a flow where uncommon wealth and an uncommon lifestyle can be yoursfor the taking. They really can.
"Lana, tell me more, what can I do to become more and achieve more?"
I want to SELL YOU on a concept here. Not a product. A Concept.
Let's see if I can persuade you, ready? Great.
You see, I believe in the 1% DIFFERENCE.
I believe you don't need to do 50% or 100% more than you're doing now to make a big difference in your life.
My life gives evidence that if you do 1% more than you're doing now you get 100% more of the results.
Put 1% more action into what you're doing.
Put 1% more into any prospecting you're doing.
Put 1% more into your marketing.
Put 1% more into your self education.
Put 1% more into expanding your circle of influence.
Put 1% more energy into your personal relationships.
Love yourself 1% more.
Love your customers 1% more.
I don't know how to be 100% better today, but I do know how to be 1% better.
I challenge you. Try LIVING 'The 1% Difference' for the next 72 hours.
Do 1% more. Watch how you feel.
Watch how you grow and BE great.
Lana Robinson
Home Business Repair Consultant